If you are registering as a group you will be asked to answer questions on behalf of every member of your group as well as pay $100/member of your group at check out. This PDF is designed to help you find out the answers ahead of time. IF you are signing up for our Work/Trade Lottery please do not apply as a group.
BASIC INFO (mandatory)
First Name
Middle Name (optional)
Last Name
Mailing Address (street, city, state, postal code)
Phone Number
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Have you attended Miles of Music Island Camp before?
T-Shirt size? (We'll have camp shirts for sale on the island!)
We'll print a camper contact list for each of you to take home. We would typically include your name, home town and email address. Here, you can also list any additional web site and social media links that you'd like us to include (you'll have a chance to adjust or opt out entirely when on the island).
Facebook (Musician/Band Page), Web Site, Twitter, Instagram
What is the main instrument you’ll be playing at camp? (mandatory)
Choice of: Guitar, Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Bass, Singing, Percussion, Percussive Dance
What would you consider to be your speed of learning by ear on this main instrument? (mandatory)
choice of: Slow, Moderate, Fast, Very Fast
Will you be playing a second instrument at camp? (optional)
Choice of: Guitar, Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Bass, Singing, Percussion, Percussive Dance
What would you consider to be your speed of learning by ear on this secondary instrument? (optional)
choice of: Slow, Moderate, Fast, Very Fast
What types of music are you mainly interested in playing and/or singing these days? (open answer)
We serve a buffet breakfast and lunch, followed by a family-style sit-down dinner. Chef Timothy Tucker takes advantage of the seasonal produce from nearby Picnic Rock Farms. The rest of the food comes from Maine’s North Center Foods, where we order regional meats from a good source. Homemade desserts are served at dinner nightly. The standard meal plan includes meat or fish at most meals. We also offer two altered menu options based on the most common food restrictions we’ve encountered in the past: vegetarian and gluten-free
Which meal plan do you prefer? (mandatory)
choice of: Standard, Vegetarian or Gluten-Free
Do you have any food allergies or severe food intolerances that we should know about? If so, please describe. (open answer)
Do you have any medical conditions that we should know about? (open answer)
Small, rustic cabins are spaced around the island shoreline. The typical camper cabin is 16-feet square, with two single beds, a kerosene lamp (no electricity or running water), a clothesline, bookshelf, and a rocking chair on a front porch with a view of the lake. Regular tuition includes a bed in a cabin with one roommate. If you don’t have a roommate in mind, we'll find a good match for you. A limited number of private cabins are available for $1,550 (first come first serve from our LOTTERY winners)
If you want to select your own roommate, please put their name here: (optional)
Some cabins are right next to the main facilities, while others are up to a mile away. The remote cabins tend to be quieter, but the paths are quite rustic, especially at night when lit only by flashlight. Given this info, how many minutes from "downtown" would you ideally like your cabin to be? (mandatory)
Choice of: Less than 5 minutes, 5-10 minutes, 10-15 minutes, It doesn't matter
Do you drink alcohol? (mandatory)
choice of: Yes/Sometimes or No
How important is it to you to have a quiet roommate? (mandatory)
choice of: Important, I’d like a roommate who is also a quieter person, Either way, I can sleep through anything or I'll be the one making the noise!
Do you snore? (mandatory)
choice of: Yes/Sometimes or No
Transportation to and from camp is ultimately each camper's responsibility. Boats to the island will leave from Lovejoy Sands Road near Meredith, New Hampshire. We have a volunteer Travel Coordinator who is available to answer travel planning questions and who is often able to facilitate carpools between campers with cars and campers in need of transportation. All campers accepted via the lottery will receive information about how to contact the Travel Coordinator directly.
In the event that you’re accepted in the camp lottery, how would you likely be traveling to camp?
choice of:
Flying to the Boston, MA Airport (arrive by 12noon on June 10)
Flying to the Manchester, NH Airport (arrive by 1pm on June 10)
Driving my own car to camp
I would be looking for a ride
It takes a community to put on Miles of Music Camp. We always welcome a helping hand, both on the island and in preparation for camp. Please list any skills you’d like to offer for a few hours, including graphic design, cooking, cleaning or heavy lifting. We can always use a few volunteers willing to stay on the island till we’re done cleaning up on Friday, June 16th, so let us know if that’s you. THANK YOU! (optional)
Skills & Talents: (open answer)