Discounted Tuition = $575

All of the Work/Trade jobs below involve about 14 hours of work. We’ve deducted $325 (about $23/hour) from the already-discounted camper tuition of $900 to arrive at $575.

Kitchen 1. SUN-FRI 7:30-9:50am. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)

* Kitchen 2. SAT 2-4:45pm / SUN-THURS 10am-12:20pm. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)

Kitchen 3. SUN-THURS 11:20am-1:40pm / FRIDAY 9-11:20am. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)  

* Kitchen 4. SAT 2-4:45pm / SUN-THURS 1-3:15pm. Meal preparation and kitchen clean-up. (2 people)

Kitchen 5. SAT 7:45-8:45pm / SUN-THURS 3:35-4:35pm & 6:30-8:45pm w/ a 45-minute dinner break. Afternoons = Meal preparation; Evenings = Clear tables with a break in the middle to eat dinner at the same time as other campers. (1 person)

Dishes 1. SUN-THURS 8:40-9:50am & 2-2:50pm / FRI 7:30-11:30am. Morning dishes & afternoon table-clearing Sun-Thurs. On Friday, do the dishes and then help with island cleanup as needed. (2 people)

* Dishes 2. SAT 2:45-4:45pm / SAT, MON, WEDS 7-9pm / SUN, TUES, THURS 1-3pm. Clean dishes & pots. (1 person)

Dishes 3. SAT, MON, WEDS 7-9pm / SUN, TUES, THURS 1-3pm / THURS 11pm-1am. Clean dishes & pots. On Thursday night, help tear down the sound system and clean the Rec. Hall after the final concert. (2 people)

Dishes 4. SUN, TUES, THURS 7-9pm / MON, WEDS 1-3pm / FRI 7:30-11:30am. Clean dishes & pots. Help with Island cleanup as needed on Friday morning. (3 people)

The Early Bird. SAT 2:45-4:45pm / SUN-THURS 7-9am / FRI 8am-12noon. Clean classrooms & Rec. Hall. Collect dirty dishes & light fires on cold days. (1 person)

The schedule has been carefully crafted so that most jobs overlap with no more than one class period. The exceptions are Kitchen 2 (overlaps with both morning mashup classes) and The Early Bird (overlaps with no classes at all).


ALL JOBS REQUIRE ATTENDANCE AT AN ORIENTATION/TRAINING SESSION AT 4:45PM ON SATURDAY JUNE 8TH. To be on time for orientation, you’ll need to take either the 12noon or the 2pm boat to the island, since the 4pm boat won’t arrive with enough time for you to check in and be on time for Work/Trade Orientation. IF THIS PRESENTS A CONFLICT FOR YOU, PLEASE APPLY FOR CAMP AS A FULL-PAY CAMPER. THANKS!

* ALSO NOTE: Jobs marked with an asterisk require arrival on the 12noon boat on Saturday, June 9th. Please include this job as one of your Top 5 choices ONLY if you would be able to arrive at that time.


If you’re having difficulty ranking your preference of work/trade jobs, and you find yourself wondering what you might be missing out on during that shift, we have two pieces of advice.

First, look at last year’s schedule (it’s on the “About” Page right here). While the content of the classes will change year to year, the times and general categories will stay the same, and you can think about what you would definitely NOT want to miss. “Mashups” are in the morning, "Learn Your Instrument" is in the afternoon, etc.

Second, know that these jobs can be pretty fun and are always a great way to bond with your fellow worker/campers. Every year, we find people without jobs wandering into the kitchen to chop vegetables just because it’s the cool place to be. So don’t sweat it – whatever job you end up with will feel like light work with the many hands on deck, and you’ll have plenty of time left in the day to enjoy the other aspects of camp.


For those taking on a job for the first time, note that we do gently grade all work/trade campers’ attendance and performance in their duties. We then take that information into account for repeat applicants. Since we always have more demand for these jobs than we have positions, this is our way of ensuring we are continually assigning the right jobs to the most willing and helpful campers.

While the Work/Trade program was created specifically to provide financial assistance for campers who might not otherwise be able to attend, it’s also true that this work is absolutely essential to a smooth and enjoyable camp experience for everyone. If you arrive late or fail to report for even one shift, the ripples are felt throughout the organization. Not only does this mean more work for your mates this year, but a “no-show” of any kind will mean we won’t be able to offer you a Work/Trade job for the next TWO camp seasons.

Thank you in advance for your service!