Table of Contents

Application Process
Cancellation and Refunds



At Miles of Music, we use a "tiered tuition system" that allows campers to choose from a range of tuition options.

In 2022, we had to raise our prices due to the increasing costs associated with running the camp. Our actual cost per camper, regardless of age, is now $1400. If you’re able to pay that amount, this is the tuition we suggest.

We also offer discounted rates for adults, youth, and kids. These prices are subsidized by generous donations from within the community. If the financial assistance makes it possible for you or your child to attend, it makes us happy when you choose this tuition tier. You are exactly the reason we structure the tuition this way.

Thank you to everyone for your participation in whatever way you’re able.

tuition options for 2023:


  • Supporter Rate: $1,600
    Your additional contribution will help support the discounted rate for a fellow camper.

  • Standard Rate: $1,400
    This is the real cost of the program, per person.

  • Discounted Rate: $1,000
    The Miles of Music Community supports a discounted rate for all who choose this option.


  • Work Trade Discount Rate: $600
    We have a limited number of jobs for campers who are willing to do 1.5-2 hours/day of work in the kitchen or wherever we might need it. If you’re interested, check the “work trade” box in your application. If we don’t have a job for you, we’ll reach out and ask if you’d like to be in the General Lottery instead. More about the Work Trade Program here.

  • Private Cabin Rate: $2200
    We have a limited number of private cabins (most cabins are double occupancy). If you’re interested, click the “private cabin” box in your application. If we don’t have a private cabin for you, we’ll reach out and ask if you’d like to be in the General Lottery instead.

**Our Lottery process is completely blind of your choice of tuition tier, unless you chose to apply for a Work Trade Discount or a Private Cabin. If your name comes up in the lottery, you'll choose a tuition tier when you pay your balance.**


  • $775 (The subsidized rate is encouraged for all youth)


  • $650 (The subsidized rate is encouraged for all children)

MERIT & COMMUNITY DISCOUNTS – In addition to the tiered tuition system, we offer a number of significant “no strings attached” discounts through a separate application process. This year’s Merit & Community Discounts will support musicians – applying as individuals or with a buddy – who identify with one or more of these categories:

• Working Musician
• Musician of Color
• Musician of Wabanaki Descent
• Parent
• Youth
• First Timer’s Iguana Fund Discount
• Community Continuity

To learn more about how to support or apply for these discounts, click one of the links below.


Just as in prior years, we will use a lottery system for admissions. Here’s how the lottery works…

If you apply by the deadline, your name will be put into a hat and then drawn at random. We use two hats — one for “returning campers” and one for “new campers”, because we want a balance of both. We aim to give priority to people who apply several years in a row and don’t get in via the lottery.

There will be a $10 non-refundable application fee for each person who applies. Unless you’re a monthly sustaining Miles of Music donor, in which case we will waive the application fee! (To become a monthly sustaining donor, click here to set up your monthly recurring donation, and we’ll send you a discount code within 24 hours so you can apply without an application fee).

All applicants and applicant groups/families will receive an email in February letting you know one of two things: 

  1. You’ve been accepted into camp, OR

  2. We’ve put your name on a waiting list. 

If you’ve been placed on the waiting list, we’ll let you know on a rolling basis if a spot has opened up for you at camp.



As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, we are committed to creating a safe experience for all Miles of Music campers, instructors, and staff. With that in mind, we recommend that all campers, instructors, and staff be vaccinated to the level recommended for their age range by the CDC at the time of camp attendance. You can find current recommendations here.

For 2023, we will no longer require proof of vaccination to attend Island Camp. To make camp as safe and enjoyable as possible, we will require testing on arrival and a few days into camp. In addition, we will likely ask for your history of infection, including the date of your most recent infection. Our Covid testing protocol will be communicated with all campers and staff one month before camp. If you confirm your spot at camp, you will agree to follow this protocol.




February 17 – Last day to register and apply for General Lottery, Work Trade, and Merit & Community Discounts.

Early March – First round of invitations extended for all (General Lottery, Work Trade Lottery, Merit & Community Discounts by Application)

March-May – Invitations extended to waitlist campers as we receive cancellations.


If you’ve been offered a spot at camp, we’ll let you know when you need to pay your balance in order to confirm your spot. After you’ve confirmed, you may still cancel and receive a refund of varying amounts, depending on when you request the cancellation: 

  • Cancel before April 11 – Full tuition refund

  • Cancel between April 12 and May 11 – 50% refund.

  • Cancel between May 12 and May 28 – 25% refund.

  • Cancel on or after May 29 – Sorry, we’ll be on the island getting ready for camp by this point! No refunds will be possible.

Questions? Please reach out to us any time at milesofmusiccamp@gmail.com


Thank you all for the many ways you continue to give to our community – whether with your time, energy, talents, financial resources, or all of the above.  Good luck in the Lottery and we expect to see you all on the Island one day soon.